Arrays: Sample Requirements

Photo by Tameka U Shelford

All projects, regardless of access pathway, follow the sample requirements listed below.

We request more DNA than is required for a single, study experiment using manual processing for the following reasons:

  • use of robotics in all sample processing
  • pretesting of samples (for most service options) with a SNP fingerprint assay
  • redo of any failed pretesting or study experiment a second time

Optimal results are obtained with high molecular weight genomic DNA. The higher end of the concentration range is recommended for optimal performance for downstream copy number analysis. CIDR has experience using the restoration protocol on FFPE, highly degraded blood-dereived genomic DNA, and DNA extracted from serum. We can process any Illumina or Affymetrix arrays.

Product DNA Volume (µl) Genomic DNA Concentration (ng/µl) Whole Genome Amplified DNA Concentration (ng/µl)*
All Arrays 50 30-50 Please Inquire

* Whole Genome Amplified (WGA) DNA Information
Based on our experience with the products and services we provide, we discourage the use of WGA samples, especially for Infinium chemistry based assays (GWAS and iSelect custom studies). The ending concentration of WGA samples is not indicative of sample quality. If you do submit WGA samples, you should anticipate a higher non-random missing data rate and perhaps a slightly higher error rate than for genomic DNA. WGA DNA will not give usable results for downstream copy number analysis. For WGA samples, a phi29 based amplification and higher concentrations are recommended.