Examples of Real Applications
Several investigators and their organizations have graciously agreed to let CIDR post excerpts of their exceptional applications online as a service to the research community. Certain details have been redacted, such as home addresses and phone numbers. Additionally, to minimize the file size, sections of the original application were excluded that provide routine details, such as lists of performance sites and key personnel, biographical sketches, and bibliographies. As a result, the grant applications accessible through the links below do not include all sections that appear in the SF424 (R&R) used to apply for grants.
Please note that these applications are examples only and should not be construed as templates for preparing a grant application. There are many different approaches to developing a successful NIH grant application. NIH grant formats or rules may have changed since these applications were prepared; therefore, applicants should always follow the application format instructions included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. The CIDR NOFO can be found here.
Note: The text of these applications is copyrighted.
Investigators and others may use the text from these applications only for nonprofit educational purposes provided the content remains unchanged and the Principal Investigator(s), their organization(s), and NHGRI are credited.
We are indebted to the contributing investigators for their willingness to share their outstanding research applications with the broader research community.
Principal Investigator | Respurces |
Goncalo Abecasis Age-Related Macular Degeneration |
Full Application |
Mary Marazita Quantitative Facial Variation |
Full Application |